A New Year has arrived and in its hands are many possibilities. An opportunity to make new plans. A chance of making your dreams come through and yes, it also brings with it some disappointments. Your New Year's resolution list does not have to fall by the wayside. There are several things that you can do to ensure that your list does not bring any disappointment. Presently, I will discuss three of those things.

Cross Out or Blank Out

Take your written list, along with a pen or a marker, and not a pencil. Sit at your workstation and review it. Take a quick glance at it, then read them out one by one. As you do that, cross out everything that is beyond your control on the list. What do I mean by that$%: Let me give an example. If you have (a) save some money to buy a bicycle by April, then that's great, in fact that is wonderful. On the other hand, if you have (b) make your mother-in-law of ten years likes you, then that's beyond your control. After ten years of you trying to make that happen, by now you would have known that that would require a miracle.

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Share Your Resolutions

Tell a person who will be happy to see you accomplishing your dreams about your resolutions. Then ask that person to become your resolution helper. That is, the person to whom you will discuss and give a report to about your progress. This can be done maybe once a month or once every two weeks.

Pursue Them

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Finally, it's time to pursue your goals and I do mean to pursue them. Pursue means to chase in order to catch. Do your part to catch them they are out there just waiting for you to catch them. Do not say that you want to buy a bicycle by April and you do not save accordingly. Do not only save $5.00 when you know that you should be saving $10.00.

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